Usually at this time of year, I travel to a warmer and more southerly clime to enjoy a taste of springtime earlier than we have at home. And to escape "mud season."
This year, NH is having an early spring. As is the place I visited.
The flowers are amazing. Cherry blossom (everywhere), azalea (everywhere, but especially in my childhood friend's garden), camellia (ditto), dogwood (everywhere), wisteria (everywhere), roses (in my mother's garden)...like being in the Garden of Eden, day in, day out.

Last week I revisited the city and university where the Chap and I met--many many years ago, almost to the very day. We had been away so long we thought we'd need this guidebook.
He audited the television production class I taught in this studio. The rest is history!
On a day-trip we toured a historic house that belongs to a friend from hometown and schooldays(and relative of my BFF), filled with family artifacts and exquisitely furnished. With an amazing and period-appropriate garden.

In addition to garden-gazing, we enjoyed birdwatching. This bluebird has laid 4 eggs in the nesting box.

More later.