"It was imprudent of us, in the first place, to become authors. We could have become something regular, but we managed not to.
We were lucky, but we were also determined." Roy Blount Jr

"I don’t change the facts to enhance the drama. I think of it the other way round, the drama has got to fit the facts,
and it’s your job as a writer to find the shape in real life."
Hilary Mantel

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Feeling Fishy

During yesterday's session in the House we got all the way through our calendar of bills (finally) apart from those that were "special ordered"--meaning they'll go onto the next session's calendar, either at the beginning of the day or in their regular place.

One such bill was the boating speed limit bill for Lake Winnipesaukee. At about 4:30 the tv and radio and print reporters and cameramen suddenly re-appeared (they had departed at the end of the Governor's speech). House members got a bit excited...ready for the showdown. But then the Chairman of the Transportation requested that we special order the bill, as a courtesy to certain speakers with an opposing view, who were absent. The media decamped. We voted to special order the bill. (Ensuring, as the Chairman pointed out, that we could look forward to another week of emails from the very interested public!) We adjourned not long afterwards.

I briefly saw the Chap at home before he headed off to the Planning Board.

I was back at the Capitol this morning for committee hearings interspersed with a birthday party. "Granny D" Doris Haddock is celebrating her 98th. A fishy name for a lovely person and a political celebrity.

At midday there was a birthday reception in the State House with cake, munchies, a card to sign, balloons, and the celebrant herself--hatted, as always. She spoke to the assembled crowd, which included at least two former governors, the Sec. of State, photographers, and an admirer who had travelled all the way from AZ to attend.

Before heading back to my committee chamber I encountered one former governor in the ladies' room --our one and only female ex-governor, I hasten to add! Currently she's a candidate for the U.S. Senate, and always a pleasure to talk to--she beams when speaking of her grandchildren. Which is not unusual.

The "official" part of my day was over at 1:30. Before coming home I stopped by the insurance office to say hi to some friends I hadn't seen in a while. Lots of news from them, a daughter's wedding and a son's wife due to give birth at any time. An offer was made to place my political sign on the property later this year when I run for re-election. Their office is just inside my district's line and on a very busy highway.

After dealing with Fish & Game matters today, I suppose it's appropriate--or possibly weird--that we're dining on fish tonight. I'm checking out recipes for tilapia--the Chap special request. Goodness, but there are a lots of ways to cook it! Baked, broiled, pan-fried, poached, grilled. (Just as true for any fish, right?) I'm more accustomed to doing salmon or trout fillets, and we used to have orange roughy regularly but before they were farmed so for ecological reasons we gave it up. I've collected a handful of tilapia recipes and the one on our menu tonight is this. It's not terribly challenging cookery (Also true for any fish!)

Farmed tilapia fishies look something like this:

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