Setting out. Left to Right: Ruth, Jewel, Lola. I handled the young ones on a single leash with a coupler.

On the neighbour's dock. This is where Jewel went into the lake. She assumed she could walk on the ice--which was very, very thin.

She didn't seem to mind the cold water. Neither does Ruth, seen here drinking it. Ice is beginning to go out.

By the time we headed back to the Lodge, the Chap was handling all the beasts. Left to Right: Lola, Jewel, Ruth.

Here's what they did when we got home.

Sunday morning coffee talk: "I think that squirrel is a chipmunk!"

Welcome back, little friend.
Our Palm Sunday service was lovely--there was a procession with palms the departed from the Undercroft and wound up the hill to the front doors of our church. After the final Via Media forum, the Chap and I drove to the big city.
We attended the Made in NH: Try it and Buy it Expo. We hadn't been for a long time. The catalyst: I received 2 free tickets in my official legislator mail.
Every imaginable product and service was featured.
Among the exhibitors: 4 wineries, my friend's Whoop it Up whoopie pie enterprise (I recommend the maple flavoured one!), many restaurants, the Fish & Game Department (hands-on exhibited of wild animal pelts--very popular!), a computer hard drive and monitor recycler (it was cool seeing all the bits that get extracted), State Parks Department, more restaurants, crafts, the television station (the youngest weatherman drew the short straw and was being held captive in their low-traffic booth), lots of local publishers of guidebooks and other local-interests items.
There were many soapmakers. The Chap bought a bar made here. We plan to attend their open house in a couple of weeks. I love milk goats--kept a pair of them when I was a "kid"!
The Chap registered at the booth occupied by our favourite music radio station. They gave us a cd. The Chap filled out a raffle ticket.
This morning they rang to say he'd won the Easter basket. Apparently the basket is filled with Lindt chocolates (manufactured locally!) Including the gold bunny for which they are famous.
The man from the station said, "Congratulations to your husband, it's a great basket. Does he have kids?"
"He's got me!" I cried ecstatically, before giving directions to the Chap's office so the basket could be delivered there.
When I eat a chocoate bunny, I begin by nibbling the tail.
And you?
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