Specifically, in this bluebell wood in England. Known to me, and known to my ancestors. The book I'm presently writing is set in a region of the country that I dearly love. I've messed about with the actual locations, jumbled them up to create fictional places with different names. But I have the benefit of my memories and all these nice photographs, so when it comes to descriptions of the landscape and architecture I'm relying entirely on reality. And the scenes-in-progress correspond to the abundantly lovely season in which I took all these photographs.
These head games have given me spring fever. And inspire a longing to return to these picturesque streets.

And the canal...although for my story I've turned it into a river.

And the fields across which my forbears roamed. (One held the lorship of the manor, so not a pheasant--I mean, a peasant.)

And the village green that surrounds the church in which they wed and were baptised.

And this sunny pub garden. Don't I look as though I belong here?

Most of my activity lately has been in my head, meaning there's not anything else worth blogging. Mine continues to be an extremely quiet and secluded existence...apart from my foray to the State House last Thursday. The public hearing on marriage equality drew approximately 700 citizens, and of those who signed their names about 550 opposed repealing it and only 50 or so favoured repeal. The committee chose to retain the bills for consideration next year, at the request of the sponsors.
The Chap returned yesterday from a solo trip to Boston, during which he visited the Museum of Fine Arts, had dinner with a friend, and attended the annual meeting of a hereditary organisation (and was elected an officer!) While he was away we received a mere inch of snow which melted away quite quickly, before the temperatures became rather grim...single digits. But yesterday the mercury moved just above the freezing point. Now it's bright and mild and snow cover is melting but there's still feet of the stuff around the Lodge. Less in Concord.
This afternoon my mother rang me up. She reports having daffodils blooming in her garden, and filling vases all round the house. To me this signals that I've got a birthday coming up soon--not that I've forgotten.
Busy, busy times ahead, so probably more consistent blogging. For what it's worth.