"It was imprudent of us, in the first place, to become authors. We could have become something regular, but we managed not to.
We were lucky, but we were also determined." Roy Blount Jr

"I don’t change the facts to enhance the drama. I think of it the other way round, the drama has got to fit the facts,
and it’s your job as a writer to find the shape in real life."
Hilary Mantel

Sunday, January 21, 2007

New Library Dedication

Yesterday our town dedicated its new library. A large and enthusiastic crowd attended the opening ceremony. Those who hadn't yet seen it were impressed with our magnificent building, with over seven thousand square feet of space. It's the culmination of more than twenty years of dreaming. Our participation in the long campaign for a new facility dates from shortly after our arrival in town...almost fourteen years!

The entire Capital Campaign Committee, on which the Chap and I served for the past four years, had the honour of cutting the ribbon. It was a long ribbon, and we needed a lot of scissors!

I'm ready to cut!

A shot of the stacks in the adult area.

The Reading Area for the adults' fiction and nonfiction section--for which our donation was designated.

One happy donor seated beneath our commemorative plaque.

As much of the Children's Room as I could fit into the frame.

The Children's Crafts Room.

There is also a Reference/Local History Room, a Young Adult Room, a Community Meeting Room, a nifty Reading Nook with Tiffany-style lamp at the end of one corridor, a private Study/Tutorial room, and a Periodicals Reading Room--with fireplace. The staff offices and staff workroom are immense.

The book-shaped cake baked by one of my fellow legislators. She's a non-resident, but she wanted to help us celebrate.

In conjunction with our opening there was an exhibit featuring works by local artists--we included gallery space in our building plan. Photos to come!

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