"It was imprudent of us, in the first place, to become authors. We could have become something regular, but we managed not to.
We were lucky, but we were also determined." Roy Blount Jr

"I don’t change the facts to enhance the drama. I think of it the other way round, the drama has got to fit the facts,
and it’s your job as a writer to find the shape in real life."
Hilary Mantel

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Flowering Cactus

Two or three years ago, at one of our church's "New to You" and Crafts fairs, I purchased a small Christmas cactus. The mother plant belonged to a very dear fellow parishioner, and had belonged to her mother--meaning it orginated in Canada.

I'd never had this sort of cactus, though I've admired them. I was eager to see it bloom, but realised it needed to mature. I cherished it, making sure it received enough sunlight and not too much water.

The plant is still small but several weeks ago it formed its very first buds. Oh, the excitement!

The flowers began to open a little more than a week ago, just before my father's birthday.

I shall refer to mine as a Thanksgiving Cactus.

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