Yesterday we modified our original dining and shopping plan.
You know you're on the Seacoast when you see licence plates like this one.

We arrived at Portsmouth legend The Friendly Toast in time for brunch. Lots of other people were there, too, in large groups mostly. It's way easier to get a table for two than for ten, so we didn't have a very long wait. The decor is very discinctive. The very defition of kitschy!

I orderd the Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict (and not for the first time, I might add.)
When we emerged the blustery wind was still raging and leaves were blowing everywhere. This one flew way up from the sidewalk and ended up in the centre of my shot looking towards the Congregational church steeple and Market Square.

We were really shopping for other people in the downtown shops and boutiques. Hoever, I couldn't resist a fave clothing shop. I'm really glad I went inside, because I found a vintage cream Angora sweater--sooooo Betty Draper--for only $13!
I'm a historian. So here's something historical--the entrance to the Antheneum.

As for the shopping, all I can say is we met with great success. We had no trouble parking, and though downtown was certainly busy the crowds weren't bad at all. I'm sure the same could not be said of the shopping malls and outlet malls!
We stopped at a supermarket on the way home to stock up on provisions for a busy week that will include overnight company, dinner guests, a few meetings and a legislative training and, at the end of it (weather permitting) the acquisition of this year's cathedral ceiling-scraping Christmas tree.
We knew something was amiss because the stoplights at a big intersection weren't functioning. The windstorm (with gusts over 50 mph.) had cut the power in the area. Despite the lack of electricity the store was open and the tills were working (presumably on generator power.) It was dark in there, but we knew the store well enough to find what we needed. The staff had stacked super-size packages of toilet tissue rolls in all the freezer cases to prevent melting, and the dairy section was closed off by blue tarps. If you needed dairy (and we did) you could ask the clerk to reach behind the tarp and get whatever your wanted.
We started in the produce area, which wasn't greatly affected. While we were wandering various darkened aisles, the electricity suddenly came back on. Everyone in the store cheered. And we got to watch the clerks remove all those loo rolls from the freezer cases and roll them back to the storage area on big trollies and put things back in order.
Back at the Lodge, we found that the power had been cut, also, but was only out for about 15 minutes or so. The new generator kicked on for the very first time, and we missed it!
Today marks the first Sunday in Advent. (How did that happen? Did this year fly by, or what?)

In addition to the usual activities of the day, we observed (in advance) the Feast of St. Andrew (which is tomorrow.) In honour of Scotland's patron saint, some parishioners showed up in plaids and tartans. I draped my McCallum scarf/shawl over my clothes. And we had a piper on hand for the Kirkin' of the Tartan.

Thanks so much for visiting. If you'd like to stroll some more, stop by Aisling's blog.