I'm seated in my office at the Lodge watching a bumblebee attack the monarda (bee balm) growing outside the window. He's such a huge bee that his weight pulls down the flower stalk. It has been a most enjoyable distraction as I catch up on emails and blogs and things after 48 hours of limited connectivity.
My trusty laptop, that old reliable traveller and frequent flier (if it had a passport, you'd be impressed), finally collapsed--its hard drive failed. Since taking it to the shop, I've used the Chap's laptop, but when he left on a trip to see friends, family, and attend and conference for work I had to paw through our collection of "to be recycled" laptops to find something to take with me to the lake cottage. The "newest"--I use that term advisedly--was an old Gateway running Windows 98. It predates high-speed and wireless! I managed to keep on top of email by activating a dial-up account but internetting was impossible.
Our near neighbours at the lake have a "no television" policy that goes back generations, and which they hope the younger generation will continue. But over the weekend I was told that the younger generation are more concerned by the lack of internet.
To catch you up...
On Saturday I attended a most beautiful memorial service in downtown Concord, at the big church next to the State House. Truly a bittersweet occasion, filled with family and friends and wonderful music--and three bishops participating. We mourned and celebrated a dear man, a faithful priest, and a great scholar--a Fellow at Cambridge, a longtime rector at a Massachusetts parish. In his retirement he sometimes preached in our parish--he lives in the next town over. It was one of those funerals where I didn't, I couldn't cry, it was such a long life and so well-lived. But...the recessional hymn was
Jerusalem, as befitted his Anglo sympathies, and that's when I lost it. The swelling organ, the well-pitched voices, William Blakes's poignant words--I'm sure I wasn't the only one.
Later in the day I had a brake light on the Honorable vehicle replaced. I picked up my FFTNC from the airport and we dined at La Carreta before she began her northward journey.
On Sunday morning I loaded the dogs into the car and headed for the lake cottage, arriving in good time for the annual Road Association Meeting. Our place is on the private (unpaved) part of the Private Road, but the discussion on the next phase of re-paving was of abiding interest. I study the road surface very closely 2 and often 3 times a day, when the girls and I are out walking. Met a new neighbour and re-connected with old ones.
During my time beside the water I kept cool by swimming. I ate my well in fresh local blueberries. I walked the girls. I read books. I thought a lot about my talk at the library (tomorrow night!). I began knitting a child-sized scarf to go in the Christmas season winter woollens box at church, to be given out at local welfare offices. I swept and scrubbed and generally tidied up, as I'll be having a houseguest later in the week.
Last night I was glued to the television watching the new TV crime drama,
Rizzoli & Isles, helping it achieve the
best-ever ratings for a show of its type.
Tomorrow I'm headed for the Seacoast to have lunch with the characters' creator, novelist
Tess Gerritsen, aka our friend Terry, and her husband. We'll have lots to celebrate. Wish the Chap could be there. We last saw her last autumn--while we were in Antwerp at the same time and had dinner together. Here we are outside the Italian restaurant in October.

I wish I could attend her appearance at Barnes & Noble, however, I've got a gig of my own at the same exact time!
The weather is warm and humid. I'm afraid this Apothecary Rose (
rosa gallica) will be the last of the roses for a while, we've had so little rain.

I've got lots of other flowers to enjoy, and we're supposed to have storms over the next couple of days...so I should get another decent flush from the re-bloomers in a few weeks.
Seconds ago Ruth's yowl and Jewel's barking alerted me to the arrival of the FedEx man, with my new ultralight, ultraportable laptop (even more ultra than the dead one). So having signed for my parcal, I now sign off here to begin loading software and program files and generally checking out the new equipment.