At the corner of the cottage, a nest for future phoebes.

Down at the dock, future blueberries.

The Saturday night sunset turned the lake golden.

We were watching The Illusionist and I repeatedly asked the Chap to pause the DVD so I could rush outside to photograph the sunset, from gold to pink to lavender.
Yesterday I had my first sighting of Walter, my pet fish. Within 5 minutes of seeing him, I was in the Author-mobile, motoring to the nearby shop for worms. He's a small-mouthed bass, but he'll eat any kind of worm I toss to him, even if they say "trout" on the container.

Yesterday the Motor Ship Mount Washington made her maiden voyage down our bay.

Then back up the bay. A couple of hours later, down again and then up.
Not long after that, we watched the loon fishing in the cove just to our south.

On my Sunday night sunset watch, I caught some neighbours returning to home port in their antique wooden Chris Craft.

Today, Memorial Day, the Chap installed our flagpole down at the boat house. Ruth was attentive to the process. Jewel was keeping her eye on our neighbour, who was chatting on his cellphone outside one of their cottages.

The Stars & Stripes.

Ruth loves being at the lake. She loves riding in the car also.

To me, her expression says, "My other car is a Mercedes, too!"
When we reached the Lodge, a scarlet male tanager was here to welcome us back.

Busy week ahead. Good thing I'm so well rested!