When we woke Saturday--verrrrry late--I had no idea we were even getting a tree. But sometime at mid-afternoon, the Chap and I both had the same brain wave. It wasn't terribly cold. The snow hadn't yet come. The ground was dry, and the trees would be also. We had the time, and that won't always be the case. So off we went, to our favourite tree farm. After a year's hiatus, it's back in business for the season.

We made our choice in record time. Tim-berrrrrr!

The tree farmer attached it to the back of his 4-wheeler and drove it to the car park.

We only had to snip a bit at the top to provide ceiling clearance. Every year I say, "It's the tallest tree ever!" The angel isn't quite hitting her head on the ceiling, but almost. The tree must be 13 feet, and very prettily shaped. It took me all afternoon to decorate only half...still a work in progress!
This morning: snow! The first snow. Because although it snowed a little while the Chap and I were in England, we weren't here to see so for us it doesn't count.
"Wow, look at this! Jewel enthuses when we step outside to get the newspaper.

"It's really winter now," thinks Ruth, somewhat anxiously. "And this is only the beginning....Will the drifts be taller than me, like last year?"

I open the paper to find my London article, and my Queen of England photo--very large!

We went to church, had a delicious and festive Advent/Christmas Brunch. It was still snowing when we left and is still.

But it's not supposed to last. We're only getting a preview.
Another party--Historical Association--later this afternoon. A concert--The Messiah--this evening. I'm feeling so Christmas-y already I could burst with seasonal spirit!
For other strolls, hop over here!
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