The venue was Salle Wilfrid Pelletier. We saw Mark play here a few years ago, during the Montreal Jazz Festival. We've seen other acts here as well. It's a terrific hall. Our seats were in the front row of the first balcony, so we had a superlative view of the stage.
Opening act Pieta Brown.

Mark's current band is made up of seven musicians. In addition to keyboards (piano and organ), bass, every kind of guitar, drums and percussion, we also had citterns, bouzouki, banjo, mandolin (yay!), what looked like an octave mandolin, fiddle, accordian, wooden and tin flutes, pipes,
During "Romeo & Juliet" Mark plays his National for the first part. As he did on "Telegraph Road" and "Brothers in Arms."

Due to a pinched nerve, he wasn't able to play standing up. His artistry didn't seem at all affected by his malady, and he was in a good mood.

After the first finale: "Cheers, all!"

There were several encore tunes. Here's Mark during the encore finale.

Tim, Richard, and Guy (keyboards).

After the final finale.

Exiting the stage.

I saw Dire Straits years ago at Red Rock Amphitheatre near Denver. This must be my 3rd opportunity to see Mark perform and I'm so thankful.