course it rained yesterday, in the morning, heavily. But then it stopped and the sun appeared. I loaded the dogs into the old Merc (my new one is a dog-free zone!) and we came up to the lake cottage.
Lots of traffic. Everyone must've seen the weather forecast with promises of more sunshine than showers, and temperatures rising to the 80's.
Along the way we made a few stops, for hard cider and for flowers. My favourite local greenhouse was offering a "buy one, get one free" sale on annuals. I knew the ones I'd planted at the start of this so-called summer had been ruined by all the rain, so I picked up a couple of 6-packs of red impatiens to replace the drowned and rotten ones. And a couple of geraniums.
I placed one of the geraniums on the porch, in the ancestral historic family bean pot.

The deal on plants was worth the stop. But wait--there's more!

With every purchase, 3 ears of fresh corn. Free! Additional ears were 50 cents. Picked down in Western Mass. Perfect for my Solo Saturday Supper.
Corn, meet water.

I ate an ear and a half, with a sandwich: tomato, fresh oregano, baby spinach, crumbled feta on whole wheat bread.
After supper, a sunset.

After sunset, pink sky.

Once it was dark there were fireworks up and down the Bay, near and far. The cottages and camps are overflowing with people, surrounded by fleets of cars as families and friends gather by the lakeshore.
This morning dawned drizzly and grey. Thunderstorms expected later, but after that a change for the better.
The girls and I had our usual morning walk. I've noticed that the mushrooms and fungi are springing up.
Some are hidden behind foliage.

They come in pretty colours.

Somebody likes eating them.

Some start as nubs.

Some creep along the ground.

I saw these everywhere.


The biggest one of all.

This reminds me of sea coral.

A red one. With Jewel's leash and foot!

Found this one on the steps as we arrived back at the cottage.

I'm pretty sure I'm having something with mushrooms for supper tonight, with my other ear-and-a-half of corn. Probably an omelet. I hasten to add they'll be store-bought mushrooms as I'm too neurotic to pick and eat the wild ones!
We're waiting for the Big White Boat to pass by. It will resemble a ghost ship, the mist is so thick.
The water temperature was 70 degrees yesterday, technically swim-able. Walter the fish has move out into deeper water.
Exactly one year ago I was here in the aftermath of the devastating tornado of July 23, 2008, which miraculously spared both Lodge and this cottage. The anniversary television and newspaper coverage has been a difficult reminder of a terrible time, although the stories of homes and lives rebuilt is uplifting.
Thanks for joining my stroll. For more,
go here!