I'm sure in past posts over the years I've shared some of these views. But here's an updated tour of the cottage. (Not quite every room!)
A portion of the main sitting room, added in the 30's. The oldest items and 7 of the 8 chairs (there's a sofa as well) and Persian rugs and so on came from the Porter home in Salem, Massachusetts, and Danvers before that. The Chap's grandparents constructed the fieldstone fireplace, we have old movie film of them in action, as incontrovertible evidence!

Yes, I've been practicing the mandolin while here.
A pair of 19th century ancestors. The Chap's grandmother painted the metal tole-work tray.

The wall panelling was made from the wooden crates in which pianos were shipped. No idea how the Chap's granddad got his hands on so much of it--enough to panel a very, very large room. An example of the Yankee talent for re-using things in wonderful ways!
The resident author's collected works.

I've considered replacing the fading paperbacks with the nicer hardcover editions. But this is a such a laid-back, casual place, I've never bothered.
The dining room. Lace curtains came from Scotland, a gift from my mother. (There are a few Evans artifacts scattered about!) The dining table is downsized at the moment. It has about half-a-dozen leaves, so we can accommodate large groups.

The large and user-friendly kitchen is the original room to which all others were added. (No pics.) It's wonderfully well-stocked with all those vintage utensils and cookware you find in antique shops. We have the usual electrical mod cons--microwave, coffee grinder, oven toaster, and more--but I'm ever thankful that the Porters never threw anything away...instead, they transferred everything here!
The master bedroom is also one of the oldest rooms. No pics, 'cause I've been consolodating the contents of various clothes closets and can't be bothered with art direction, i.e. clearing off the bed and tidying the tops of the bureaus.
Instead, I give you the curtains. The fabric is imprinted with old postcard views of New Hampshire. We have a summer bedspread at the Lodge in the same materials.

Also, a collage of photos of many generations enjoying lakeside living. The fourth row, middle picture shows the Chap as a tow-headed infant on his very first visit, seated in the shallow water while his proud grandmother and parents beam at the firstborn son/grandson. The visitor log reports on that date that he "cried when he was taken out of the water." He still loves swimming here.

The newest room, added in the late 50's. I inherited the mahogany spool bed from my own grandparents, who never set foot in New Hampshire. The Chap's late mother acquired the quilt in Appalachia, I think in North Carolina.

Another bedroom. These beds, which at one time were in the master bedroom, came from Salem.

Part of the screened porch, where I live most of the time.

Now, back to my closet capers....