"It was imprudent of us, in the first place, to become authors. We could have become something regular, but we managed not to.
We were lucky, but we were also determined." Roy Blount Jr

"I don’t change the facts to enhance the drama. I think of it the other way round, the drama has got to fit the facts,
and it’s your job as a writer to find the shape in real life."
Hilary Mantel

Thursday, June 25, 2009

More Roses

Rose of the Day: Rosa Mundi. Rosa gallica versicolor is the official name of this, my favourite rose. No, really, I do love this one the best! The bush is as tall as me now and laden with buds (and bugs, alas.) It's a mutant gallica dating from the Middle Ages/Renaissance.

The powerfully scented Isphahan is used for making rose essential oil for perfume.

Tuscany is another ancient gallica.

A species rose, one of the dog rose types that volunteered in my very weedy rose garden behind the house. It had that apple scent of English hedgerow roses, especially when wet as it often has been lately.

What was shaping up to be an excellent rose year has proved disappointing. The ceaseless rain has spoilt some of the buds and adversely affects the blossoms and encourages weeds which I've got no time to pull. The nasty desctructive little green worms are everywhere, gnawing the foliage. I've been too busy to battle them. Nor have I cut as many bouquets as I normally do. That will change now that my State House duties are over for a while.

The foxgloves are blooming also.

As part of the opening ceremonies of our closing day in the State House, a singer sang a song about soldiers and sacrifice and NH-based musician Ed Gerhard performed a familiar tune (our signal to take our seats). We approved committee of conference reports all morning. After our lunch break we passed the budget bills. Our other headline item was the passage of a medical marijuana bill, the most restrictive in the nation. Remains to be seen whether the Governor will sign it. It was a very humid day in Representatives Hall. Outside it rained off and on. We had demonstrations on the front lawn, anti-tax protesters, state employees, pro-medical marijuana activists. I was never on that side of the building and regretted it when I heard there were people dressed in chicken suits.

I arrived at the Lodge just before suppertime feeling absolutely drained by this cold bug. The Chap had picked up my new dark green Mercedes after work and drove it home. (And then cooked an awesome omelet for our meal!) Our garage now contains 2 Mercs. For the time being our 2 auxiliary vehicles will be exposed to the elements in each of our 2 driveways.

I'm having a quiet day because the next few days won't be. Bailed out of my mandolin lesson--haven't practised much this week and even though I'm feeling a bit better than yesterday I don't feel well enough to drive to Concord. Tomorrow I'll take my new wheels for a spin. For now, I need to do some writing!

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