"It was imprudent of us, in the first place, to become authors. We could have become something regular, but we managed not to.
We were lucky, but we were also determined." Roy Blount Jr

"I don’t change the facts to enhance the drama. I think of it the other way round, the drama has got to fit the facts,
and it’s your job as a writer to find the shape in real life."
Hilary Mantel

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday Weather

I'm most grateful for the kind sympathy extended towards Lola. Although her condition is progressive, it's not painful. She exhibits no signs of being impaired, visually or otherwise. Her companionship is a gift, her longevity and general health are remarkable. That does comfort us as we face this hard, harsh truth of loving and living with dogs.

"There's a ton of snow out there," the Chap reported very early this morning while I was still buried under the duvet. He was up and about, even though his office had a late opening. This gave him time to clear paths on the decks and some of the steps so he could retrieve the paper. (Our delivery person is amazing!) Our plow guy couldn't even plow the whole of the drive on the garage side--no place to put the snow without blocking the doors--so the Chap had to do part of it with the snow plow.

By the time I went outside to clear the back deck and the steps down to the dog yard, the wet snow has given way to sleet and icy rain, a real mess.

The bigger of the two snow mountains on our larger deck is now taller than the top rail. I've not been keeping up with snow totals, which are record-setting, but what you see here represents a considerable portion of the total accumulation for the season (it's in the 70 inches range.)

With winter raging, I'm especially thankful for my Valentine's gift: a pot of tĂȘte-a-tĂȘte narcissus.

Yesterday I was in town. I dropped off some prints of the Governor's day at the sled dog races at his office, searched the third floor of the LOB for the Chap. (He was monitoring a hearing Then had back to back to back "churchy" meetings. Our diocesan mission resources committee completed its process of awarding grants to congregations seeking financial support. Then I huddled with some canons to discuss tomorrow's Council meeting, which I've cancelled because of a funeral in the North Country--we had a tragically sudden death in our diocesan family. Then I hastened to Taco Bell for a fast meal with the Chap, and we made our way to the convocation meeting. The big agenda items was elections, and we finished early, enabling people to get home before the storm. And to watch the last night of the WKC dog show! And the Potomac Primary returns!

Today's session of the House was postponed till this afternoon. So I slogged through the mush to the Capitol, where I'm live blogging from Seat 3-93. I'm also still trying to recover my wrecked composure from the terrifying drive. The road leading to my road was nearly flooded and no doubt will be by the time I'm headed home. If I make it that far--the water came up over my tires and into my engine a few yards from the Legislative parking garage. Miraculously, I did not stall out. I won't be going in that direction when I leave.

There was almost no traffic other than plows, not even on the motorway. All the schools and the entire state is closed for business today.

But here I am. To do the people's business. As much as we can do with so few members present.

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